Sondel Family Veterinary Clinic

Reproductive Client
Agreement Form

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Reproductive Client Agreement Form

Please fill out this form as completely and accurately as possible so we can get to know you and your pet before your visit.

The information provided in the Reproductive Client Agreement form, in addition to the Client Agreement Form, will help Sondel Family Veterinary Clinic better serve the needs of their patients. This agreement is between owner, co-owner(s) (if applicable), and Sondel Family Veterinary Clinic.

As a clinic practicing canine reproductive care, Sondel Family Veterinary Clinic will do their absolute best to ensure they are producing dogs that are healthy and of sound temperament.  Sondel Family Veterinary Clinic reserves the right to refuse breeding services as their veterinarians see fit.

Some health conditions that would result in Sondel Family Veterinary Clinic declining reproductive services include, but are not limited to hip dysplasia, elbow dysplasia, luxating patella, heart murmurs, arrhythmias, and/or congenital eye defects.

Additionally, all dogs receiving reproductive care at Sondel Family Veterinary Clinic, apart from legitimate working law enforcement canines with their handler(s), must have a temperament that allows for safe examination, blood draw, semen collection, and/or insemination without muzzle or sedation.

Lastly, the veterinarians at Sondel Family Veterinary Clinic recommend, depending on breed, waiting until a dog is 24-months (2-years) old before they be considered a breeding candidate). Any patient under 24-months of age must receive explicit authorization from the Medical Director to be considered a valid candidate for reproductive services at Sondel Family Veterinary Clinic.

By choosing to work with Sondel Family Veterinary Clinic for my pet’s reproductive care, I agree that I understand the above information and understand that Sondel Family Veterinary Clinic has the right to refuse service as they see fit.

Clear Signature


  • Client will follow the veterinarian’s recommendations.
  • Client is knowledgeable on the breed.
  • Client seeks to breed an existing, recognized breed based on pre-established breed standards.
  • Client clears patient of genetic abnormalities using screen tests such as those recommended by the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals.
  • Client provides adequate care to the patient, including but not limited to:
    • Regular (annual) physical examinations performed by a licensed veterinarian.
    • Up to date on core vaccinations (rabies and distemper/parvovirus).
    • Fed a veterinarian-approved diet (Purina ProPlan, Royal Canin, Eukanuba, or Hill’s Science Diet).
    • Regularly administers heartworm, flea, and tick prevention (HeartGard Plus and Frontline for pregnant or lactating bitches).
    • Socialization with other dogs and humans.
  • Client is physically, mentally, and financially capable of going through the breeding process, which includes but may not be limited to:
    • Clearing the patient as a potential breeding candidate by executing the recommended tests as determined by the AKC, UKC, CKC, or OFA.
    • Communicating with other breeders to locate a mate for the pet, which may include purchasing and shipping fresh-chilled or frozen canine semen.
    • Follow the veterinarian’s recommendations on timing by completing the recommended progesterone tests.
    • Orchestrating a natural breeding outside of the clinic or working with a veterinarian to plan an artificial insemination at the clinic.
    • Understand the risks associated with their pet and pregnancy.
    • Follow through with veterinarian’s recommendation on confirming pregnancy.
    • Ability to find and pay for emergency care if needed.


  • Ensure you are producing the highest quality animal by ruling out congenital health defects in your breeding pair. To see the recommended tests for your breed, visit https://ofa/orga/chic-programs/browse-by-breed/, or check your breed’s club webpage.
  • Wait until your pet is fully grown and their bones have developed completely before you consider them as a breeding candidate. Most breeds are considered fully grown at 24-months of age.
  • Keep the animal’s best interest in mind. Consider the American Kennel Club and/or United Kennel Club breed standards, which were developed carefully to ensure the ethical reproduction of an animal.
  • Do your research before committing to a breeding – make sure your breeding pair is compatible and are likely to produce a healthy litter.
  • Do not make decisions based on monetary gain.
  • Plan your finances to include emergency veterinary visits – you never know when a weekend artificial insemination or emergency c-section will be needed.
  • Communicate with your veterinarian(s). Ask questions and make your concerns known.
  • Progesterone test before breeding your bitch. The only way to accurately predict a due date is by knowing when the bitch ovulated, which can only be determined with a blood progesterone test.
  • Confirm pregnancy by having an ultrasound performed 30-days post-ovulation. Do not rely on the puppy count received at the time of the ultrasound as these are frequently inaccurate.
  • If you are planning on having your bitch whelp naturally, have an x-ray taken 1-week before she is due to receive the most accurate possible puppy count.

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